
Showing posts from April, 2022

ϕ Preliminary considerations on theory of meaning

 In short: (just as a hypothesis) • meaning of message (word/sentence/text) for human = sustainable/reproducible and predictable mental representations caused by the message in the brain of message receiver •  mental representations  consist of some very basic perceptions intrinsic for human individuals • being able to enumerate that  basic perceptions  we can “encode” any complex representation — that is it is like a machine code of brain-computer • and as well it makes possible to specify semantics of natural language formally Details I’m not an expert in the theory of meaning, just curious about it so I don’t pretend that the statements above are true and bring any new knowledge to the field. But when you are going to study something it is normal to have in mind some preliminary picture consisting of what there can be and expectations about the results of study. So my expectation here is to confirm or refute the “hypothesis” by finding more adequate disco...